

Returns a text from the specified range.


expression.GetText(oPr, oPr.NewLineParagraph, oPr.Numbering, oPr.Math, oPr.NewLineSeparator, oPr.TableCellSeparator, oPr.TableRowSeparator, oPr.ParaSeparator, oPr.TabSymbol);

expression - A variable that represents a ApiRange class.


NameRequired/OptionalData typeDefaultDescription
oPrRequiredobjectThe resulting string display properties.
oPr.NewLineParagraphOptionalbooleanfalseDefines if the resulting string will include paragraph line boundaries or not.
oPr.NumberingOptionalbooleanfalseDefines if the resulting string will include numbering or not.
oPr.MathOptionalbooleanfalseDefines if the resulting string will include mathematical expressions or not.
oPr.NewLineSeparatorOptionalstring'\r'Defines how the line separator will be specified in the resulting string.
oPr.TableCellSeparatorOptionalstring'\t'Defines how the table cell separator will be specified in the resulting string.
oPr.TableRowSeparatorOptionalstring'\r\n'Defines how the table row separator will be specified in the resulting string.
oPr.ParaSeparatorOptionalstring'\r\n'Defines how the paragraph separator will be specified in the resulting string.
oPr.TabSymbolOptionalstring'\t'Defines how the tab will be specified in the resulting string (does not apply to numbering)




This example shows how to get a text from the specified range.

let doc = Api.GetDocument();
let paragraph = doc.GetElement(0);
paragraph.AddText("\tONLYOFFICE Document Builder");
let range = doc.GetRange(0, 24);
let text = range.GetText({"Numbering": true, "Math": true, "NewLineSeparator": "\r", "TabSymbol": "\t", "NewLineParagraph": true, "TableCellSeparator": "\t", "TableRowSeparator": "\r\n", "ParaSeparator": "\r\n"});
paragraph = Api.CreateParagraph();
paragraph.AddText("The text of the specified range: " + text);